Greater Manchester

Legal challenge launched against Manchester Tier 3 lockdown restrictions Sacha Lord

Legal challenge launched against Manchester restrictions

By James McAllister

Sacha Lord, the night time economy adviser for Greater Manchester, has commenced a Judicial Review into the legality of implementing emergency restrictions on the region’s hospitality sector without scientific evidence.

Manchester brewer and pubco Joseph Holt has expanded its pub estate and acquired two Greater Manchester pubs

Joseph Holt acquires two Greater Manchester pubs

By Peter Ruddick

Manchester brewer Joseph Holt has announced it has acquired two Greater Manchester pubs within the last three months as its plans to expand its estate in the North West continue.

Manchester's restaurants, hotels and pubs and bars

Hospitable cities: Spotlight on Manchester

By Peter Ruddick

In the second part of our hospitable cities feature, BigHospitality is moving south of the border from Glasgow to focus on another thriving city for hospitality businesses outside of London - Manchester. What makes its restaurants, hotels and pubs and...